This is a list of commonly used resources within Lantana. You may not have access to all of them.

Web Applications

Downloadable Tools

Other Links


New password cannot be the same as current password.
Repeat password does not match new password.

These security questions and answers are used to allow you to reset your password when you have forgotten your password or your account is locked without the involvement of the IT department. It is highly recommended that you complete these questions and answers.


  1. Fill in the details of the form above.
  2. Click "copy" above.
  3. Open outlook, create a new email message.
  4. Click the "Signature" drop-down and select "Signatures...".
  5. Create a new signature.
  6. Paste (CTRL+V) your signature in the "Edit signature" field for the new signature.
  7. Press "OK".